Welcome To The Neighbourhood


The Society was established in 1970.
It has a history of advocacy and support for heritage, which is fundamental to the history and character
of the community of North Adelaide
within the City of Adelaide.

Heritage lost cannot be regained.
History valued supports intergenerational
culture and community.


People are central to the life of neighbourhoods.
Together, we create the places and communities
essential for a liveable and engaging North Adelaide.

A people and place-based planning system should
support future liveability of neighbourhoods and localities.
Local and community voices need to be
included in planning and assessment processes
together with accessible appeal rights


Park Lands

The Park Lands that encircle and permeate
the City of Adelaide are iconic.
They are a key feature of the vision of Colonel Light.

The Park Lands as parklands have an inter-generational value that deserves respect and conservation without incremental degradation.

Park Lands today and into the future, are for this city, people, and future generations to enjoy.

Meet Our Friends

Adelaide Parklands Association - Dedicated to the preservation of our world class parklands the Adelaide Parklands Association will keep you up to date on issues threatening the parklands. They also run guided walks.

SECRA - The South East City Residents Association promotes the interests of the residents of the South-East Precinct of the City of Adelaide and adjoining areas; and works for the inherent character and heritage of the neighbourhoods, Park Lands, and especially Victoria Park.

Community Alliance SA - The Community Alliance SA is an umbrella organisation of community and resident groups concerned with planning and development in South Australia.


Planning Policy

The North Adelaide Society advocates to bring locals and communities to the fore in order to achieve sensible credible local planning with clarity of rules and requirements - not mere guidelines - that can be easily understood and applied.

People and communities should be entitled to have accessible rights to participate, be heard and appeal if a planning system is to have reasonable accountability.

A fair, accessible, and credible planning system is a cornerstone for development that contributes to liveability and prosperity.

Principled and participatory planning should conserve, support and value the heritage and character of where people live, work and visit.

More information at:
City Council Planning
State Commission Assessment Panel
SA State Planning Commission